We had to create a book cover for one of shakespeares plays. We could use any mediums to create our book covers so I went to the library and looked through some books and photocopied a few images I liked and worked from there. I do like this cover but I think it would have come out a lot better if i took the time to cut the letters from the white paper so they integrated more with the image
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Graphics- typography
Within graphics, the font or 'typeface' is the key to a successful piece of work. We have been looking at the effect different fonts have on the way a word is percieved or what to expect beyond the cover of a novel.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
project 2 - graphics homework
As a piece of our homework research task we had to use the same 15x15 square boxes to use as guidelines for a shakespeare novel cover. Unlike before, we could use any colours and fonts to create a successful piece. I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome of this work as it looks too empty and doesnt say much about the play itself. I chose the colour blue and the sharp font and shapes to represent anger jealousy and mistrust, I however dont think these themes were shown well enough.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Project 2 - quotes
We looked at the importance of font and word placement of specific words to emphasise the meaning of the Shakespeare quotes we looked at to enhance the effectiveness of the words. We had the option between using Times News Roman or Gill Sans on any size scale to represent the quote on paper. Again, the quote was drawn on a 15 x 15 piece of paper transferring the chosen typeface using a lightbox.
Project 2 - book cover designs
As a homework task we had to design the front cover of a Shakespeare book. We had to choose the font illustrations placent and colouring.
Project 2 - word play
In class we were given the task to take a word and transfer it on to a 15 x 15 square piece of paper. We had to look at the meaning of the word and interpret that into the display of the word. We had to only use the font provided transferring it so the font is identical using a lightox. We also had the option to change the sizing of it using the photocopier.
I chose the word "compression" and placed it on the paper very closely together near the bottom of the page. I feel that this represents the word pretty accurately.
I picked "e x p a n s i o n" as my second word and spaced the letters out and repeated the word down the page.
Project 2 - typography task
We had a list of Shakespeare plays in which we selected a few to write out in a style that is reflective of the genre and general theme of the play.
Project 2 - letter placement
we had to create a logo for William Shakespeare using his initials. We were all given the same font and same font size to work with, and a 15 x 15 square box to place the letters in. After we completed this task we had a group crit and looked at the work other people in the class had produced, it showed how differently people interpreted this task given there was only so much to work with.
Project 2 - typography
The first bit of research we are going to do is on typography. In class we looked at calligraphy style writing and the brush techniques used to create the traditional effect.We were then given the task to recreate that style ourselves using a flat tipped paintbrush and black paint.
Project 2 - Graphics
We are starting a new project upon the topic of graphics, where we will go on to create the book covers of three of Shakespeares iconic plays.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Artists Book final photos
This is a series of photos that display my complete pieces for my artists book, my book did not come out as I had originally planned due to the fact that I experimented about and felt that making my book more 3D and less structured made the outcome stronger than initial plans. I think it represents myself and journeys very clearly so therefore it is a successful project outcome.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Artists book research
I began researching for my artists book in the library and came across these photos of signs which is where I got the inspiration from to interpret signs into my work.
Artists Book Plan
We have been busy researching on what we would like our artist's book to contain, I have done a mind map of ideas that I can possibly use around the topic of journeys.
Artist's Book research and development
We had to look back through what we have done over the past 4 weeks and choose what we are going to base our Artists Books on. I decided to base my book around Journeys, as I enjoyed creating this piece of work the most.
Book Making
Paper Folding Task
In class we were given a random word and from that word create something with a single sheet of paper. I got the word 'sculpture' and this is what I made. I folded up the paper in different ways so it became 3D opposed to a flat piece of paper. We then had to number each visible face the sculpture had.
Keyring Making
Memory Palace #1
We then had to think about what place will be my memory palace. I chose to recreate my bedroom as my memory palace because I spend a lot of time in it and it holds everything that represents me. I have had this same room for nearly 10 years, so it is a place I know very well and it's very unlikely for me to ever forget it. We are going to recreate our chosen place for our memory palace with only using cardboard and sellotape. We also had to choose a piece of text - whether it be from a book or a song or a poem - that we plan on memorising through signals we put around the room that trigger a specific word.
I have taken a quote from my favourite book, Looking for Alaska.
"I'm not going to be one of those people who sits around talking about what they're gonna do. I'm just going to do it."
This series of photos are developing stages of my memory palace.
As you can see, it is not yet and my quote is only on the wall of the palace. I think this piece of work would have been much more successful if I had taken more time in creating the pieces to make it more accurate and displayed my quote through objects in the room.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Memory Palace
Drawing Sounds #2
Drawing Sound
The ten sounds I chose to draw were:
R a i n
L a u g h i n g
A e r o p l a n e
C o i n s
L i g h t e r
M u f f l e d V o i c e s
C o f f e e M a c h i n e
C o u g h i n g
E l e c t r i c C u r r e n t
S p i t t i n g
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
The Art of Sound
Everyday drawing #4
Everyday drawing #3
This was my second drawing of the egg cup. I used charcoal to draw this out, and I think this is better than the pencil drawing but there is still room for improvement on making it pop out more on the page. Again, this piece isn't completely finished and if i had more time i feel i would have got more confident in using the charcoal and would have experimented around with different ways of shading it for it to become realistic. I am not completely unhappy with this response as it somewhat resembles the egg cup.