Monday 14 April 2014

Hemp and Fashion

Hemp is also a great textile to make clothes with. Hemp has been used to make clothes for hundreds of years, and unlike cotton and other materials hemp becomes more durable the more you wear it. It is heavily waterproof, an efficient insulator keeping you warm in winter and cool in the summer. It is also hypo-allergenic and its a non irritant to the skin, in addition to this it is also UV protective which is ideal for holidays in the sun or for people who live in the warmer climate.

hemp hood-lamb. 100% eco friendly
100% hemp t-shirt

hemp research

Despite the controversial plant that is Hemp, it is undeniable that this plant is needed as a resource in the world today. It's uses are extensive, everything about it is beneficial to the production of the world and it answers all the questions we have on what we need to change before we run out of the natural resources we are now having to ration. In history, hemp was used for clothing, cars, even the old dollar bills were printed on hemp paper among all the other health benefits it contains.


After thinking about natures resources and how we need to utilise them efficiently, because our supplies are not everlasting we looked into one of the worlds largest resources with much to offer to help the future become green and save our planet from running the sources dry.

This resource is hemp. 

LED Lights

As a starting point in our research we looked at LED lights and the benefits it has being used as regular lighting in homes and also to grow food. We looked at global warming and the affects of climate change reducing the yields in crops which is a huge problem for the ever growing population. We thought that people need to become more self sufficient having the ability to not have to rely on overseas produce for food. LED lights are energy efficient, cheap to run and could grow up to 3x more annually than under regular sunlight.

Sunday 13 April 2014


We brainstormed up some starting points and ideas based on energy of the future. From this we researched further into what we found interesting.

Renewable energy

We looked at different types of renewable energy as a starting point for this project after looking at global warming and the crisis we are facing.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Final Major Project

1) Which were your starting points?
- renewable energy
- evolution of energy
- global warming
- home grown produce
2) Which were the sources of your research?
- new york times
3) Did you find out anything new?
Through the research we did I gained a lot more knowledge and understanding of the problem with global warming and what is happening to help the matter.
4) Were there any changes to the way you feel about your subject as a result of your research?
I feel as though the subject I researched on was very interesting and am looking forward to developing it into something, it will be very interesting to see what will develop from this.
5) list three practical things you will do this week based on what you have researched.
- look at how it relates to an artist or designer's work
- get a selection of images collected
- brainstorm more ideas
6) Is there anything you may have missed out?
I think the research we did was more upon the subject of science with not much design aspects coorperated, we need to think more about our ideas and where to go next with what we have got - we need to look at more examples and take it from there.

Sunday 6 April 2014


Final selection

I feel like these 4 photos go well in a set. They all give off the same tone, making you feel as though you are inside the picture, walking around in the silent darkness which is why I chose these 4 images.


I edited a few photos, I brightened them up, put them in black at white and changed the contrast. I feel like the photos look a lot better since they've been edited.

Final plans

After playing around with photographing around nature in the darkness I decided I wanted to play around more with this idea because i liked the outcome i got the first time.

Idea 2 response

these are a selected few photos of the outcome to my empty room idea, I feel like these came out quite well. The lighting is quite nice, and it succeeds in setting a silent tone. It however doesn't show the eerie  silence I had imagined it to be, but i still believe they work.


These are just a couple of photos I took that I feel could represent silence, in the dead of the night, they are supposed to make you feel as if you are in the picture too, looking out on the emptiness all alone. This is a slightly uncomforting feeling but with the idea of silence behind it I feel it works well.


This is a set of photos I took loosely based around the work of Gary Winogrand's black and white street photography. I think these pictures do depict silence, the long empty dark streets and loneliness you feel. These pictures do not work as a set as such but as individual pictures they are good representations of silence.

Sally Mann

Sally Mann is a photographer whos style I find so simply beautiful. Her style is very distinct, the tone and contrast of her photography enhances real beauty, its warm and almost comforting.

Idea 2

Another idea I had for this project was to show the silence within a room by the lighting, there's a slight eeriness about dark empty rooms that i would like to capture


This is the original and editied version of a rough photo I took. I kinda like the dull roughness to the photo, it adds to emotion and feeling. The black and white also eliminates all aspects of life and hope being a good symbol for silence.


When you think about silence, you immediately think about the emotions that may be felt and facial features being a way of knowing how someone feels. Eyes depict emotion and show a lot about how you feel which is why I felt it would be good for this project.

Gary Winogrand

Gary Winogrand is a world famous American street photographer, he is renouned for his unique style and skill behind the camera. Both of these pictures stood out for me among many others as a good representation of silence. I want to integrate Winogrands style in my own work when I have an attempt at some street photography in response.

Lens Based Media

In this project we will be looking at the power of silence within photography. I will look at some photographers that succeed in depicting silence through their imagery and find inspiration for my own work and final 4 images.