Sunday 22 September 2013

Memory Palace

Looking back on the first week to the V&A trip we went on to view the exhibition 'Memory Palace', we now in response are going to recreate our own 'Memory Palace' to store some of our most cherished memories. 

Drawing Sounds #2

This is my final drawing. I feel to make this piece more successful, i should layer the  L O U D E R parts of my drawing to emphasise on the sound and use different sources to portray the sound differently. 
This is a series of photos that show the development of my sound drawing. 

Drawing Sound

We walked around and outside Ravensbourne to find different sounds we would like to draw.
The ten sounds I chose to draw were:

R a i n 
L a u g h i n g 
A e r o p l a n e
C o i n s 
L i g h t e r 
M u f f l e d  V o i c e s
C o f f e e  M a c h i n e 
C o u g h i n g 
E l e c t r i c  C u r r e n t 
S p i t t i n g 

Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Art of Sound

As a class we looked at the way artists interpret sound into art and how it is visually shown. 
One artist we looked at was Sylvano Bussoti and this is how he interpreted sound into visual art.

We also looked at John Cage who was originally a music composer - 
and this is how he shows sounds in art.

We also looked at the artist Norman Mclaren who made a video showing the sound of noises. The video was published in 1940. I also think that the colours match the shapes being made by the sounds.
Here is the link to DOTS.

Everyday drawing #4

This is my final drawing of the egg cup. I used only black and white acrylic paints and mixed arrays of grey to add to texture and shading around certain areas of the object. This came out better than I had expected and do think its the best out of all three drawings I did.

Everyday drawing #3

This was my second drawing of the egg cup. I used charcoal to draw this out, and I think this is better than the pencil drawing but there is still room for improvement on making it pop out more on the page. Again, this piece isn't completely finished and if i had more time i feel i would have got more confident in using the charcoal and would have experimented around with different ways of shading it for it to become realistic. I am not completely unhappy with this response as it somewhat resembles the egg cup.

Everyday drawing #2

This was my first drawing of the egg cup. I used a standard 4B pencil, I feel I struggled a bit with drawing this because drawing it up on such a large scale while making it look 3D wasn't the easiest of challenges. In addition to this, trying to create the wood effect of it was also not the simplest of tasks. I think if I had spent more time on shading the overall drawing would have come out a lot better. 

Everyday drawing

We had to bring in three kitchen appliances and draw them up on A1 sheets of paper. We had to think about the proportion of the appliance when drawing it on to such a large scale which is a lot harder than you expect. I brought in a wooden spoon, a wooden fork and an egg cup - I however only decided to draw the egg cup because i thought once I drew it, repeating the same drawing using a different medium would be less difficult than drawing something completely new.I feel as though it did benefit me as the drawings got better as I went along. 

This is the egg cup I drew.

Sunday 15 September 2013


This is my complete drawing of my journey.


These images are the documentation of the progression on my 'journey'

Week 2 - Journeys

We had to consider all the journeys we have taken in our lifetime and create our 'journey' on an A1 piece of paper with only the use of drawing. We looked at some artists who had similarly done the same.

One artist we looked at was Ellis Nadler who draws maps soley from her memory - maps show direction and journeys, which can be used as a base to start point for my own journey.

Another artist we looked at was Paula Scher. Scher created maps with words that represent a specific memory from her life. With the use of words in replacement of drawing it becomes a lot more personal to yourself as they are instant triggers of a certain memory you have had.

I have decided i am going to recreate the London Underground tube map and replace the normal destinations with journeys I have had in my life

Week 2 - The Mundane

Over this week we will be looking at 2D drawing and the mundane. We will experiment with different ways of drawing to gain skill while still looking into the mundane and how our memories are imprinted through our 5 senses everyday.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Time Capsule- complete bag

I have added all my made items to the time capsule and I am now ready to bury it. 

Time Capsule- Object 6

This is the last thing I decided to put in my time capsule. I wrote a letter to myself to read when it gets dug back up in hope that I will be able to remember this exact day. I thought this would be a good idea because it doesn't signify a particularly memorable event in my life, merely an average day growing up - and those days are valuable too. 

Time Capsule - Object 5

This is the fifth item I am going to put in my time capsule. It is a list of things that I have done/achieved in my 17 years. I think something like this would be nice to look back on to see how things have changed and developed over time. 

Time Capsule- Object 4

THINGS I WILL: This is a list of hopes and aspirations I would like to have fulfilled in the ten years that it will be buried for. When the time capsule is dug up I will be able to look back on this to see how many goals have been achieved. 

Time Capsule - Object 3

This is the third item that I'm going to put in the time capsule. I feel as though this should go in because it symbolises a big part of my growing up and also my future. 

Time Capsule - Object 2

I made a collage to represent myself and particular memories I have had. I am going to put this in the time capsule because I feel that looking back on this in ten years time will be quite sentimental and nostalgic, even if it may seem to me now that none of these objects are cherished - they still hold memories that will be nice to look back on in the future.

Time Capsule - Object 1

This is my complete version of the recreation of the stuffed toy.

Time Capsule - Object 1

This is one of the items i will be putting in my time capsule. This was not originally one of the items i brought in to use, but i decided to re-create the stuffed toy as to me it holds a lot of memories from my childhood - the fact that it is also made out of only string and masking tape gives it the look that it was made by a child which represents the kind of age that the toy would bring back most memories to me.